Kick-Start Membership
(Power Support)

Would you like to start successfully as a freelancer?
You already started and now you´re searching for the best support to get your freelancing business a success?
Then you need to get the Power Support Package.

Who is it for?

Everyone who's an employee now dares to start the freelancer's journey!

Everyone who already started and is searching for the best support for business success!

What you can expect:
3 or 6 months of Power Support: You get each month 1 hour of business consultation with Birgit Heidenreich to push your business forward! Benefit from her long-term business experience as a business consultant. If you pay the full package price for one of course you can consume all sessions right away. (regular price 481,95/963,90 Euro incl. VAT)

Are you ready to reach the next level of your business success? Become the freelancer you want to be!

You will get an email with further information once you have completed your booking. If you have questions don´t hesitate to contact us.