120 minutes of Slavicek in digital detistry - including certificate

After registration and payment you will have the possibility to watch the Webinar for 1 Month as often as you like.
Watch, Pause, Repeat according to your individual speed and at your place.

See course previews in the thumbnails and the YouTube channel for insights of the webinars and lectures.

This part of the webinar is about the Slavicek concept in digital dentistry. Can or how can digitization help to be more efficient and faster, and to remain precise
at the same time. What does the practical process look like in everyday life. How does a diagnostic waxup work with Exocad and Cadias 3D.

You can attend this webinar for one month and repeat as often as you like.

Topics of the Webinar are:

* Comparison Analog to Digital Analysis
* The Cadias 3D Software (detailed set-by-step procedure)
* Transfer to Exocad
* The diagnostic waxup in Exocad
* Communication and Preparation Guide with digital 3D Casts
* From Temporary to Reconstruction in digital dentistry

Course plan

Functional Webinar 4 - The Slavicek concept in digital dentistry.